Rivers and Words Forever Flowing: Calligraphic Legacies in Contemporary Art
In an age of typing and texting, the art of handwriting has seemingly fallen from grace. In the US, cursive handwriting is less and less a part of common-core standards and its…

Architecture in Harmony with Nature: Today’s Environmentally-Integrative Projects & Design Theory
“How should an architect situate their work against the natural environment?” In the 21st century, this question has been asked with a renewed urgency. The most lauded architectural projects today need not…

The Wonders of Mid-ocean Ridges: Sea Floor Spreading
If you were to ask someone where the largest mountains in the world are, it’s no surprise where that person’s mind might go: Mt. Everest, for instance, is what many understand as…

Is Nature the Future of Design? Nature, Technology, Material, Design
Since human prehistory, we have long relied on the plant kingdom to heal, protect, and nourish: “biophilia” refers to humanity’s innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life.…

Journey to the Blue Zones: the World’s Greatest Longevity and Health
There is so much majesty in our world to experience and seemingly so little time: and yet the time we have varies drastically from place to place, from continent to country, and…

Rose By A Luxury Name: The Power of Branding in Design, Products, and Art in the Marketplace
Evoking luxury industry names like Chanel, Hermes, and Ferrari have immediate associations: any person can associate these words with quality, luxury, and craftsmanship. But if these powerhouse brands suddenly started producing and…

What Would Women Wear? Female Creative Directors are Changing the Face of Fashion
In a fashion review article posted by the New York Times in January, an interesting question was posed: If Women Ruled the World, What Would They Wear? This simple inquiry also posed…

When Art Abandons Us: the World’s Most Famous Lost & Stolen Artifacts
Time: without exception, the enemy of all the world’s great art and cultural artifacts. This means time in the physical, literal sense: the degradation of media which all museum and conservation entities…

A Desire for Local Lands: Agriturismo, the Rise of Farm-stays, and Trends in Travel
In a hyperconnected and busy modern world, we see an attitude developing that touches every part of our lives: we crave meaningful experience and genuine connections with each other and our planet,…